Welcome to Hejfar.dk! This is our collective material archive where we and other daughters invite our dads to join us in exploring what forms and shapes masculinity.

Patriarchal masculinity and the father figure are the subject of much debate, and as daughters we feel personally and socially trapped between personally loving our dads, but not believing that the father figure (in a patriarchal understanding) is an optimal model of taking care and showing love.

We realize that as daughters, we contribute to the perpetuation of patriarchal structures. By inviting our dads to participate on the website, we want to involve them in our dreams, to explore a broader definition of masculinity and together challenge the traditional image of the father figure.

The material on the website will be a catalyst as we create the choreographic repertoire for a series of dance performances that aim to re-stage the father figure in a new image. An alternative based on the collective initiative of the daughters.

Please note that you (daughter) and your dad will not perform on stage, but that we will simply use your documentation on the website as a starting point when creating the dance performances.