HI DAD is a group consisting of a dramaturg, a director, a choreographer, a designer and a project manager. We work together across borders, primarily between Berlin and Copenhagen, using art as a framework to explore conflicting and complex issues of masculinity and the father figure.

Our working method seeks to create an embodied understanding of intellectual and academicized theories of intersectional feminism. We strive to include multiple perspectives and voices to challenge existing norms and create an alternative understanding and embodiment of masculinity.

contact us via e-mail or instagram




OKT - Ørkenfortet, Copenhagen DK
SEPT - Teaterøen, Copenhagen DK
MAR - Riwaq, Beirut LBN
MAR - Ørkenfortet, Copenhagen DK
JAN - Ørkenfortet, Copenhagen DK


2024 (upcoming)

SEPT - Aveny-T, Copenhagen DK
Performance: 3 dads
Sound-design: Jacobe Suissa Artved
Dramaturgy: Lotta Grohmann
Visual: Julie Savery
Creative Management: Jules Søgaard Mogensen
Direction: Matilde Flor Usinger, Nanna Finding Koppel


SEPT - Theater Im Delphi, Berlin DE
Performance: Kukharev Påvel, Stefan Kreissig, Kurt Weibel
Sound: Sabiwa
Direction: Matilde Flor Usinger, Nanna Finding Koppel


NOV - Artco Galerie, Berlin DE
Performance: Søren Flor
Sound: Alto Aria, Marco Colocci
Direction: Matilde Flor Usinger, Nanna Finding Koppel


2024 (upcoming)

JAN - København DK
Community dinner and intro-meeting
Facilitators: Nanna Finding Koppel, Lotta Grohmann, Jules Søgaard Mogesen


MAJ - online
Facilitator: Lotta Grohmann
Participating: Matilde Flor Usinger, Nanna Finding Koppel


Launch of interactive website
Idea and concept: Matilde Flor Usinger, Nanna Finding Koppel
Design and code: Julie Savery


Femina, 1 June 2023, Stinne Kaasgaard
Al Araby, 29 March 2023, Dara Abdallah
IBYEN, 23 March 2023, Johanne Lerhard